Environment and sustainability
We recognise the global climate emergency and join the many organisations around the world calling for urgent action to tackle climate change.
Across our RWCMD community we’re working hard to get to carbon zero as quickly as we can. We are making great strides to ensure our practices, performances and policies reduce our impact on the environment. The Sustainability Group at College meets regularly, and colleagues share the efforts their teams are making to reduce our carbon footprint.
We are working with the Carbon Trust and Welsh Government Energy Service to advise on the next steps and to help us achieve our goal. We will also share a comprehensive carbon roadmap for the College to explain the action we are taking.
Using the baseline of our carbon footprint, our roadmap will outline clear, deliverable carbon reduction actions across our estate, governance, teaching, performance, engagement and commercial activities supported by policy for maximum impact.
We have also joined forces with the Race to Zero, underlining our commitment to a healthy and resilient zero carbon recovery.
'We are determined to reduce our environmental footprint and commit to protect future generations.
Our promise is a pledge to take definitive action to support the global cause for a better, greener future for our planet and for us all.'Professor Helena GauntPrincipal
Solar array project
In 2022, we installed 498 panels which have the potential to save 65 tonnes of carbon a year, helping to reduce energy costs.
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