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Sarah Hemsley-Cole

Stage Manager and company director.

Sarah graduated from RWCMD in 1993 with an MA Stage & Event Management.

It starts here... it starts at RWCMD

Across our 75th birthday year we're celebrating some of our alumni whose creative journey began here at RWCMD, as well as introducing you to a new generation of talent. Hear how our training has helped them, and how they are making a difference in their field and in their communities.

Sarah Hemsley-Cole

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'It’s important to show the positive journey we can take. Over my 30 years in the industry, I’ve championed the visibility of women in the sector - it’s important for young women to have role models to aspire to and be influenced by. We've had to be trailblazers and pass our hand down to the women coming up behind us.

To me the College has been integral to everything I’ve done in my career. The College was really good to me; it gave me those skills and that training. And I recognise that in the generations that have come after me.

It’s been really important to me to maintain that relationship and that network of support, learning and mentoring.'
Sarah Hemsley-Cole

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