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Accommodation: where to live while you study at RWCMD

Whether you're in your first year or final year, finding somewhere to live is always a priority. We've put together some information to help you find the perfect place for you to enjoy life in Cardiff.

Location, location, location

To help you with your accommodation planning - we have different campus buildings that you might use during your time at the College. The two main ones are:

Our main building on North Rd, Cardiff CF10 3ER and

Llanishen Studios, Cardiff Business Park, 45 Lambourne Crescent, Llanishen, Cardiff CF14 5GG.

Our halls of residence are at Severn Point, about a 12 minute walk from the College up North Road.

If you're looking for private rental, then we suggest looking in the nearby Cathays and Roath areas, which have real student communities.

These are the hot spots for student accommodation with lots of different options available to you.

There are excellent links across the city by public transport via bus and train, but Cardiff is a very compact city, so most accommodation is within walking distance of the College.

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