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Junior Conservatoire (full day)

The Junior Conservatoire (full day) at RWCMD is ‘Step 4’ in the curriculum. It is most suitable for 8 to 18 years olds whose entry level is as follows

  • singers, wind and brass players and percussionists who by Year 11 are or will be at Grade 6 and beyond, or equivalent
  • strings and piano players who by Year 11 are or will be at Grade 7 and beyond, or equivalent

Junior Conservatoire (full day: Step 4) lessons and classes are stimulating, challenging, enjoyable and designed to help you achieve your personal musical aims. They cater for learners who are dedicated to their music-making and who are keen to develop their playing or singing to conservatoire entrance level and beyond.

Our supportive approach seeks to build your confidence and self-belief and prepare you for the next stage in your musical career. Our lessons and classes are delivered within a lively learning environment that is dedicated to the performing arts. Crucially, you will have opportunities to work with other young people with similar aims to your own.

Learners usually remain in Step 4 until they leave school. Some may also extend their studies throughout a gap year(s), having left secondary education. Many Step 4 learners, but by no means all, continue their musical studies at conservatoire or university. The course is suitable for all talented young musicians, whatever your career aims.

What will I learn?

Further details

Junior Conservatoire (full day: Step 4) lessons and classes run on Saturdays.

Entry is by application, which must include submission of a recording of the learner’s playing or singing.

Most learners join the Junior Conservatoire (full day: Step 4) in September, at the start of the academic year. Some learners may also start in January or April, subject to the availability of tuition.

The Junior Conservatoire (full day: Step 4) costs £925 per ten-week term from September 2023 to July 2024. Optional activities include

  • a taught ABRSM theory class (£60 per term, 30 minutes per week)
  • an additional study (£295 per term, 30 minutes per week)
  • extending your principal study (£147.50 per term for an additional 15 mins per week)

Financial support

We are committed to giving as many young people as possible the opportunity to benefit from the specialist training delivered by RWCMD, regardless of background or financial means. 

The bursary application cycle ends in the July preceding September entry. Families interested in applying for a bursary after July for the upcoming academic year are advised to contact us to check if any remaining funding may be available.

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