Ant Law
Guitar Tutor and Ensemble Coach
Milad Mardakheh is a composer, sound artist, programmer and researcher. His work focuses on interdisciplinary practices combining science, technology and music/sound art. Stemming from a long history of eclecticism in music, his current output falls under electronic/electroacoustic music, live electronics and sound art, specifically computer/data music composition and performance, as well as data sonification.
As an artist and researcher, Milad’s present areas of interest include stochastic, synthesised soundscapes; science-art: data sonification and the intersection of music and science; artificial intelligence and data-driven processes in live improvisation and performance of immersive multichannel electronic/computer music; and the exploration of musical dialogue between the performer and AI/data. In addition to composing, he designs interactive interfaces and performs live improvisations in both stereo and multichannel setups using a variety of tools such as Max/MSP and SuperCollider, sound spatialisation, MIDI controllers and modular synthesisers.
Composition & performance of electronic, electroacoustic & computer music; Science-Art and data sonification; Max/MSP, SuperCollider; Live-coding; Multichannel audio & sound spatialisation/diffusion; Stochastic composition; Sound art; Field recording; Modular synthesis
Milad’s compositions and written work have been featured and published in various national and international festivals, conferences, reputable journals, radio programmes & galleries, including the annual BEAST Festival (UK), International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), klingt gut! KLG (Germany), Leonardo Journal, KMH - Royal College of Music (Sweden), Centrala Gallery (UK) and Reform Radio.
He completed his PhD in Composition at the University of Birmingham (BEAST) under the supervision of Prof. Scott Wilson and Dr. Annie Mahtani (2021). His thesis focused on data sonification interfaces for composition and performance of computer music, reflecting cancer as disease from a biomolecular standpoint.