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Michael White

Job Role: Lecturer in Movement

Department: Acting

Honours: MA, BA(hons)


Michael studied at the Jacques Lecoq School in Paris (2008-10) and has an MA in Theatre with distinction from Guildford School of Acting. For many years Michael worked as a director and theatre-maker: he was the recipient of the JMK assistant director’s bursary at HOME theatre in Manchester and was an associate artist at the Lowry theatre (Salford) and Harrogate Theatre. He has also taught for many years at various drama schools.


Michael specialises in the work and teachings of Jacques Lecoq, with a focus on le jeu, embodiment, and mask. He is particularly interested in the traditions of physical theatre and the role of the body in performance. Michael has studied commedia dell’arte with Antonio Fava in Italy and has followed pedagogical intensives exploring the work of Lecoq with Embodied Poetics, Norman Taylor, and the École Jacques Lecoq in Paris.

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