RWCMD among Europe’s very best conservatoires…

RWCMD is the first UK institution to be awarded the gold standard level of quality assurance across Music, Drama and Under 18s from MusiQue, an independent foundation responsible for evaluating international standards in higher education – and we passed with flying colours!
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The 5 things you need to know about RWCMD quality
- In the international MusiQuE quality review, RWCMD achieved top marks.
- RWCMD is the first UK institution to achieve this level of quality assurance across Music, Drama and Under 18s.
- Reviewers were especially impressed with the RWCMD approach to individual student experience, multidisciplinary collaboration and overall ambition.
- After closely examining every aspect of College, the review concluded RWCMD is a shining example of best practice across European conservatoires.
- We will wear this badge of honour with pride, as a reflection of the exceptional people and unique community we have at RWCMD.
The reviewers, a professional team from a range of Conservatoires across Europe, were particularly impressed with the College’s approach to the individual student experience, collaboration across the departments, and its overall ambition.
'The College's commitment to collaboration - partnerships (regional, national and international) and optimising the multidisciplinary experience within the curriculum – is particularly impressive.’MusiQue review
‘We hold ourselves to the very highest standards,' said RWCMD Principal Helena Gaunt, 'and the training we deliver is driven by the expectation of excellence in every sense.
This comprehensive review across every element of our work demonstrates that the College and all those who are part of it, go above and beyond expectations on a daily basis.'
‘We’ll wear this badge of honour with pride, as a reflection of the exceptional people and unique community who make up RWCMD.
And because we are always striving to be even better, we are already embracing any suggestions which have been shared through this review.
We will continue to listen and learn as we build towards a stronger tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who makes the College the community it is.’Helena GauntPrincipal, RWCMD
'The review team considers that the College’s commitment to the individual student experience, its commitment to serve under-represented groups and to promote equality diversity and inclusion is a highly valuable set of aims.
This commitment was evident to the team in all its … dealings with the College.' MusiQue review.
First published: 20/05/2022